This chart shows a comparison between the anual inflation rate of Etica, Monero and Bitcoin.
There are 2 phases you can notice for Etica. The initial distribution phase (until about 2032) and the tail emission phase (after 2032).
The higher the inflation rate during the initial distribution means the more evenly distributed the token will be as initial token holders have less supply %.
(You can view this more clearly on the gni Coefficient page).
On the contrary from phase 2, the inflation rate will dicrease sharply to protect holders from inflation otherwise nobody would hold eti.
The 2.6103% Etica inflation rate of phase 2, should only be taken as a maximum and it can be changed to an even lower rate if the community decides to have another fixed inflation rate for Etica tail emission.
Also note that this inflation rate doesn't take into account all potential Etica burning events like vote fees, disease and chunks creation cost.
We have up to 10 years to identify the best tail emission inflation rate for Etica