Stock-to-flow Model (log scale)

Last Price

Current Stock-to-flow Price
Current Inflation
This chart shows ETI stock to flow price based on the Bitcoin stock to flow price formula.
This chart doesn't take into account the ETI halving that will reduce ETI inflation once 21 million ETI is reached.
In fact post 2032 the stock to flow will increase by a factor of 100 (as opposed to a factor of 4 for Bitcoin's halvings). If the market anticipates this event the ETI price could range between it's stock to flow price and the post ETI halving stock to flow price.
This chart doesn't take into account the ETI halving that will reduce ETI inflation once 21 million ETI is reached.
In fact post 2032 the stock to flow will increase by a factor of 100 (as opposed to a factor of 4 for Bitcoin's halvings). If the market anticipates this event the ETI price could range between it's stock to flow price and the post ETI halving stock to flow price.
To see stock to flow with a simulation of ETI post halving stock to flow priced in check this chart: Stock to Flow with halving priced in simulation